Welcome to our world! Enjoy the pictures and please feel free to email us at mull0113@frontier.com. Runa, John, Noah (5), Anisha (2 1/2) and Max (the dog, 7)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Highlights from October

October turned out to be an exciting month for us. Noah went on his first field trip with his school. They visited a local apple orchard and I was fortunate to be a chaperone. The day ended up being pretty cold and rainy so we didn't actually get to go and pick apples from trees. But we did make apple juice and all the kids picked some apples from the boxes in the giant cooler. This was also Noah's very first ride on a school bus. I thought he was going to explode with excitement.

Anisha had a big month developmentally. She cut her first teeth on the 20th and started crawling shortly after. She doesn't do the typical crawl though, it's more of an army crawl and man, can she move!

It was also Anisha's first Halloween and true to form, I waited until the last possible moment to buy both costumes. Anisha was a peapod and Noah was Thomas the Tank. He was a little confused about walking up to the neighbor's houses and ringing the door bell, but once he saw what they were giving he had a good time. The turnout was pretty low this year in our neighborhood and so we had a lot of leftover candy. Noah's a big fan.

I was excited to get some girl time and visit my friend Monisha in Chicago over a weekend. Rai came in from D.C. and the three of us had a fabulous time eating, shopping and relaxing. We are already looking forward to next year and making this an annual event.

1 comment:

Bob and Elysha said...

Your babies are SO CUTE!