Welcome to our world! Enjoy the pictures and please feel free to email us at mull0113@frontier.com. Runa, John, Noah (5), Anisha (2 1/2) and Max (the dog, 7)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Noah!

Noah turned 3 years old on the 18th of January. We had a small celebration that evening with my parents. He cut a piece of cake with his proud little sister cheering him on.

I know the candle says "1", but I couldn't find any other candles at the time.

We had his party on Saturday and the general rule of thumb is that you invite one friend for every year of their age. So I did that....however I still ended up with like 25 people in my tiny little house. His best buds are Jack, Jacob and Nico. But all three of them have younger siblings (all girls) and of course their parents. But we couldn't have a party without all the cousins, so Natalie, Nicholas, Kylie, Ryan and Jesse were all here as well. It made for a really fun time though and all the kids had a blast. I made a taco bar since taco's are Noah's favorite food and of course he wanted nothing to do with it. His dinner consisted of the insane 4-layer chocolate cake that John made from scratch with chocolate/coffee buttercream frosting. It was so pretty until I tried to write on it. My cake decorating skills are not up to par.

I cannot believe my little guy is 3 years old already! It bizarre to actually have a conversation with him. His favorite song is the Beatle's song "Two of Us" and we have to listen to it over and over and over, and over again in the car. He is starting to pick up the words and I catch him singing it when he is playing. His favorite phrase and response to anything you ask him to do is "You wanna do it." So the conversation will go something like this: 'Noah, can you go and get some socks to wear?' 'You wanna do it.' You would think that I would learn my lesson and stop asking and start directing. This is a concept that I train my teachers to do with the elementary age group and works wonders. When I do remember to be directive, it definitely works. I have to say that it works well with husbands too!

You can check out the pictures from the link on the left. Enjoy!

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