Welcome to our world! Enjoy the pictures and please feel free to email us at mull0113@frontier.com. Runa, John, Noah (5), Anisha (2 1/2) and Max (the dog, 7)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Hiking at Minnehaha Falls

Noah and Anisha are both outdoor kids. I call them my "granola babies." So John and I decided that this summer we would take them hiking any free weekend and take advantage our beautiful state. Our first adventure, was to a very local destination, Minnehaha Falls. John and I used to visit when we were first dating (almost 13 years ago...yikes!). The city has made many changes and updates to the park area. There is now a bike path along the upper park area. There is a restaurant adjacent to the parking lot which features seafood, but we haven't tried it yet. Noah had a great time exploring the path and was mesmerized by the falls. Anisha loved hanging out in the baby bjorn with mom and never made a peep. It was a successful outing and we're looking forward to many more.


T. Neises said...

Hey John and Runa,
The kids have gotten so big and they are adorable.
Thanks for sharing!

RL said...

John & Runa, Thanks for remembering us. It is a great site and we've enjoyed the pictures. Time does fly by. Love, Aunt Becky

RL said...

Hello you guys! I don't usually click on things like this but I'm glad I did. It is fun to see your pictures and the kids. So glad you were able to come to the 4th. Thanks for sharing your lives! Love, Aunt Becky