Welcome to our world! Enjoy the pictures and please feel free to email us at mull0113@frontier.com. Runa, John, Noah (5), Anisha (2 1/2) and Max (the dog, 7)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Photos and Facebook

So I found the camera and here are some pictures of my baby girl and Noah at the wedding last weekend. She is growing up so fast and already making crawling motions. She will be 6 months already on September 7. Her Annaprasan ceremony is next weekend. Noah is growing up too. He will be attending a montessori school next month. I am very excited for him to actually learn something, but I know the change is going to be difficult for him. His new favorite phrase is "Gimmee dat." And when I give him the mom look, he says, "Gimme dat, peez."

I have recently entered the realm of Facebook and I am intrigued. This blog has been added to my page and I am trying figure out what 'poking' someone means. I started with 1 friend (thanks Suman!) and in a couple of days I am up to 8! Yippee! This is all just more stuff I have to keep up with (in all the spare time I have) and yet for some reason I can't ignore it. We'll see how it goes. If anyone has tips, please find me and share them.

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