Welcome to our world! Enjoy the pictures and please feel free to email us at mull0113@frontier.com. Runa, John, Noah (5), Anisha (2 1/2) and Max (the dog, 7)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Busy Times

So I've been reprimanded by many people lately because it's been a month since I've posted anything. I'm not sure where the month of August has gone, but it's been a whirlwind of activity.

The beginning of the month started off with the Uptown Art Fair. We usually miss it every year so this time I was determined to go. We ended up meeting our good friends, Amy and Jose, there and wandered around. John and I fell in love with a beautiful photo, but decided it would be better not to buy it so impulsively. It was pretty expensive and I think we made the right decision. Although, when I walk past the spot I planned to hang it, I shed a little tear. Just a small one.

The next weekend, John's cousin, Erica, got married. I was her maid of honor and it was a beautiful ceremony.

This past weekend proved to be the most hectic as a very close family friend got married. I grew up with Ina and her family, and she is basically like a little sister to me. It was a 3 day event and so much fun! A lot of people who used to live in Minnesota came to the wedding and it was so great to see them and catch up. My dad and I decided that there should be a big wedding every year so we can all hang out and enjoy ourselves. (Did you get that Rai?)

Next weekend we are going to the state fair to pig out and then the following weekend is Anisha's Annaprasan (rice ceremony). I can't believe she is almost 6 months old!

On top of all this, Noah has been quite challenging up until a couple of days ago. He was not sleeping which caused him to be VERY cranky and whiny. He has entered his "Noah's turn" phase so we pretty much have to do everything twice. The first time I complete a task, because I forget that he wants to do it. This is followed by a lot of whining and screaming and then I have to undo everything I just did, so that he can do it himself. It's impossible to get out the door on time. He surprised everyone tonight however, by opting to skip his milk and cookies and decided he wanted to go to sleep. I am still in shock. I had so much time on my hands I didn't know what to do with myself.

Anisha continues to be an angel, so far. Although I think she is teething so she has her moments. But those moments are short lived and she usually just falls asleep eventually. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she stays this way.

I will post some pictures soon. Noah hid my camera and I have no idea where he put it. Sigh. Life would be boring without him I think.

1 comment:

Suman said...

good to see an update! that was quite a hectic weekend, but lots of fun. I agree w/ you and your dad--we should have an event like that every year. (Poor Rai.. :)